Portfolio Management Services

Via our Luxembourg subsidiary ShelteR Investment Management

Stability as objective

Our aim is to add stability to our clients' portfolios by building tailor-made financial strategies, adapted to their specific needs.

ShelteR Investment Management is subsidiary of Rego Partners and is an in Luxembourg regulated asset manager. ShelteR is licensed by the CSSF for Collective UCITS management, Discretionary Wealth Management and Alternative Management (AIFM). ShelteR’s key investment services include discretionary wealth management on third party funds and is specialised in sustainable equity and listed real estate. Ancillary services include macro analysis, periodic reporting and advisory services.


ShelteR IM

ShelteR consists of a small team of industry experts with proven track record and uses advanced in-house developed technology setup in portfolio management, reporting and risk management. ShelteR offers services such as collective investment management, dicretionary wealth management via bank brokers and different Belgian and Luxembourg banks and via insurance brokers including fonds dédiés and internal collective fund management. ShelteR also has a lisence for alternative management (AIFM).


Investment offer

ShelteR offers discretionary management with a core-satelite approach with active and passive building blocks and independent quantitative and qualitative selection of third-party funds, while applying a tactical monthly macro view. Apart from regular investment mandates, ShelteR offers specialist mandates such as global listed real estate, including sustainable REITs, and equity selection based on advanced risk reduction techniques.


Advisory and reporting services

ShelteR offers ancillary advisory and reporting services. These services include portfolio reporting, monthly newsletter with macro view, ALM for pension funds, strategic and tactical asset allocation and fund manager selection.